Ghidra: The NSA Reverse Engineering Tool That Will Help You Crush Enumeration and Exploitation

It's not often that a tool comes along and changes things. For wolfshirtz, that tool was Ghidra, an open-source decompiler that turns assembly language into something more human-readable. And it's not often that a blog post comes along and explains Ghidra so well! Wolfshirtz walks you through how to get started with Ghidra, his tricks for getting a feel for and maximizing its features, and his cheat sheet of top hotkeys!

Effective Note Taking for NCL

In the immortal words of Adam Savage, "The only difference between screwing around and science is writing it down." Wolfshirtz explains why you should take notes during the NCL Games and shares his tools and tips. Learning to document both your successes and failures will serve you not only in NCL but in your future job as well!